Street lighting systems

The automation of street lighting control systems is an urgent task of our time. This means to move to a qualitatively new level of energy management, and as a result, to reduce energy consumption and operating costs. Unique structural-algorithmic and software-hardware solutions have been developed, that made it possible to create a complex of automated control systems - designed to modernize existing and create new automated and automated centralized street lighting control systems for lightning networks, industrial enterprises and others.

The lighting control is a fully automatic process. However, at any time the dispatching staff is able to do the operational control and management of any object. The presence of operational control over the execution of commands for changing lighting modes, the use of devices for automatic switching on and off of the lighting system using a photo relay or an astronomical time relay, and using the lighting illumination system by reducing the supply voltage of illuminating lamps at night, reduces irrational energy consumption to a minimum. The other complex functions like telemetry, automated electric energy accounting control system allows to reduce the costs related with the departure of maintenance personnel to lighting control objects, and using this data history allows us to do analytical research and optimization of urban street lighting networks.


Complex street lighting system provides:

General information about state of street lighting management objects and its delivery to dispatchers’ staff.

Presentation of information about any selected street lightening management object for dispatchers’ staff in the form of a separate mnemonic diagram with the current values of electrical data.

Quantitative indicators of the consumed electric power to dispatchers’ staff.

Password protected user access to the system in dependence on the permission level to the user (protecting the configuration of telecontrol system, etc. from unauthorized access).

Notification of dispatchers’ staff about emergency and other important events, alerts with emergency approvals.

Receiving reports via local and global networks (Internet) and printing them.

Automatic proceeding of all monitored events of complex, including emergency and systematic situations, switchovers, and reports on power consumption and energy consumption (other reports can be created in accordance with the customer's wishes).

Automatic delivery of short messages (SMS) to mobile phones of service personnel in the event of the issuance by street lightning system signals of "Alarms", emergency situations, etc


Street Lighting Supply Point

The automation and communication unit with the central control room provides remote monitoring of the state of the lighting lines, remote control of the power automation device, the formation of emergency signals ("Alarm" signals), the generalization of this information and its transfer to the central dispatching room. The automation and communication unit includes a programmable GPRS modem with discrete and analog inputs that carry out functions like collection, generalization and transfer of information to the dispatcher, and control the power of automation device.
