Integrated accounting

Smart Metering systems for retail chains and supermarkets (malls)

We have developed a customized version of Smart Metering system for shop networks and supermarkets. SW is designed for various energy resource consumption accounting as for whole object as well as for tenants by the common use areas, with the ability to keep records of tenants within the entire network.


Main features of this customized SW are:

The development and implementation of multifunctional controller for data acquisition from different types of energy resource meters, placed in far distances from controller, in hard-to-reach places, in poor communication and a high noise level areas.

A block of analytical reports was created and a methodology developed to ensure analysis and better decision-making for optimal use and the maximum savings of resources separately for each subject and the whole network share.

Data transmission to resource accounting systems of energy suppliers was developed and implemented.

A methodology has been developed and a module for processing, preparing and transferring data to SAP billing systems, Axapta, etc. has been implemented.

The automatic distribution of reports to store managers.

Calculations of energy resource consumption per unit area, the visitor (if such information is received), comparison of data between stores.

Possibility to allocate costs and resource consumption among tenants by floor area they rented.

Algorithms for prediction of energy resources consumption designed to participate in the hour market of energy and power have been developed and implemented.

Supports the dynamic registration of energy resources in case of the change of tenants’ conditions if areas are replaning.

Smart Metering for public utility companies and houses

Due to the peculiarities of data collection from the energy meters which are operated in apartments and apartment houses, Smart Metering SW "EMCOS corporate" " system has been equipped with additional options:


Data collection using PLC technologies, ZigBee, GSM / GPRS, RF, LoRa. Plug'n'play mode support for different manufacturers of devices.

Data collection via radio communication channels using base stations and devices that collect data from energy meters, as well as carrying out the functions of retransmission of collected data from other devices to base stations.

The remote disconnection of the electricity meter for the consumer who has not paid the invoice. Opportunity of similar service for water and gas suppliers.

Support of various energy resources accounting, using a united infrastructure and the distribution of received data to providers.

Integration of Smart Metering systems into the created systems of "Smart Cities".

Smart Metering Systems for mobile communication providers

To maintain the stable connection it is necessary to place the antenna of reception- transmission devices of mobile communication providers in various, and sometimes difficult-to-reach, points.


For the stable operation of Smart Metering systems "EMCOS Corporate" that is designed for mobile communication providers, some additional options are realized:

A small-sized device of data collection and transmission with autonomous power supply from a battery is developed.

The "EMCOS corporate" software provides the reception of the "Alarm" signal from the controller when the power supply of the antenna device is lost, or in the event of fire in the container, also in the event of unauthorized access to the object.

The system provides the transmission of a short message (SMS) to the mobile phone of the service staff in case of receiving signals of "Alarm", emergency, etc.
