
More than 700 projects

The list of main projects by "Sigma Telas".


The development and implementation of automated electricity accounting system in JSC "Lithuanian Energy" objects (customer – JSC "Lithuanian Energy"), Lithuania.

General contractor for projection, implementation, adjusting and leading into commercial service works, in supplying of upper level "EMCOS" SW (Emcos Corporate) for national distribution system (10 power plants, 265 substations, up to 3000 meters).


The development and implementation of automated electricity accounting system for JSC "East Distribution Networks" objects (customer – JSC "East Distribution Networks"), Lithuania.

General contractor for projection, implementation, adjusting and leading into commercial service works, in supplying of upper level "EMCOS" SW (Emcos Corporate).

524 objects, more than 5200 accounting points.


The development and implementation of automated electricity accounting system in JSC "West Distribution Networks", Lithuania.

General contractor for projection, implementation, adjusting and leading into commercial service works, in supplying of upper level "EMCOS" SW (Emcos Corporate).

411 objects, more than 5000 accounting points.

After consolidation of these two companies (East and West Distribution Networks) into company "LESTO", and later "ESO", the total number of accounting points reached 50000.


The development of specialized SW for data acquisition, monitoring and visualization in Byelorussian project "Automated electricity accounting system for cross-border interconnection flows organization, generation and for other electricity network objects" for syndicate "Belenergo", customer "AGAT", Byelorussia.

The customized development and installation of SW for Belarusian power transmission and distribution network in БелЭнерго "AEMS system. As a result, 252 licenses for use of "EMCOS" system servers were sold.

Currently system integrates from 50000 to 60000 accounting devices.


The development and implementation of automated data acquisition system for Kazakhstan Railway Company objects.

This project includes development, implementation and preparation of the whole system for commercial use and supply of SW EMCOS SW – EMCOS Corporate. This system uses 7 servers on 7 sections and the central server is in Astana city.

In 2013 the system was expanded by 5 additional sections.


The implementation of centralized automated accounting system for all type energy resources in MAXIMA stores network in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

General contractor for projection, installation and preparation for commercial use work, the supplier of upper level SW EMCOS Corporate.

More than 500 shops in three countries with central headquarters in each country and the consolidation center in Lithuania. About 8000 units of electricity, water, gas, heat, cooling meters, temperature sensors.


The development and implementation of Smart Metering system and DMS for JSC "Astana – Regional Electric Network Company" in Kazakhstan.

Sub-contractors for projection, implementation and preparation for commercial use works and the development of business processes in JSC "Astana RDC" also the supply of upper level SW "EMCOS Corporate" and enterprise asset management system for JSC "Astana RDC".


The development and implementation of Smart Metering system for SC „AZHK", Kazakhstan.

Sub-contractors for implementation and preparation for commercial use works, the supply of upper level SW "EMCOS Corporate" for SC "AZHK". General contractor – "Saiman" corporation. Currently there are more than 150.000 installed meters. Future plans are to expand system up to 1.000.000 accounting points.


SW "EMCOS Corporate" supply for two Smart Metering systems in Permenergo (interregional distribution company in Ural region, Russia).

Sub-contractor for supply and configuration of two pilot Smart Metering systems based on "EMCOS Corporate" SW with 10.000 accounting points in two companies "Энергомера" and "ADD".


The supply of "EMCOS Corporate" SW and development of Smart Metering system for heat metering (customer - «КЭС-Холдинг», Russia in 14 districts).

Sub-contractor for SW supply and customization for 60.000 accounting points, with possibility to expand up to 120.000 accounting points.


The development of Smart Metering system for Limited Liability Company "Kazachmys Corporation".

General contractor for projection, implementation and preparation for commercial use works and for supply of upper level Smart Metering system "EMCOS Corporate" SW for Limited Liability Company "Kazachmys Corporation" – 4 sites (ГРЭС, ЖТЭЦ, БТЭЦ, КарГРЭС), more than 40 enterprises.


Smart Metering system „EMCOS Corporate" SW installation for state enterprise "Plačiajuostis Internetas" (Broad Band Internet) in Lithuania.

General contractor for projection, implementation and preparation for commercial use works. The supply of "EMCOS Corporate" SW for data acquisition and monitoring system development.


The development and implementation of Smart Metering system for CAPEC (Central-Asian Power Energy Company) JSC, Kazakhstan.

Sub-contractor for implementation and preparation for commercial use works, supply of EMCOS upper level SW "EMCOS Corporate" for JSC "Akmolinsk Electric Network Distribution Company, JSC, Pavlodar Electric Network Distribution Company, JSC, and North Kazakhstan Electric Network Distribution Company, JSC, with total quantity up to 550.000 meters.


The development of the National Smart Metering system for JSC "KEGOC", Kazakhstan.

Sub-contractor for implementation and preparation for commercial use of 9 Smart Metering systems on regional and top level of transmission networks, interstate data exchange, cooperation with balancing market system.

Many systems for energy enterprises:

  • JSC "Penzenergo" and "Penzenergo – MCK", Russia
  • JSC "AEK Komienergo", Russia
  • JSC "Stavropol Electric generating company", Russia
  • JSC "Far Eastern Generation Company", former "Chabarovskenergo", Russia
  • JSC "Far Eastern Distribution Company" («ДРСК»), Russia.
  • JSC «ЭК Днепрооблэнерго», Ukraine
  • JSC «Янтарьэнерго», Kaliningrad district, Russia
  • Irkutsk "ОблКоминЭнерго", Russia
  • JSC "Zhezkazgan Distribution Grid Company", Kazakhstan
  • Karaganda REDC, Kazakhstan
  • Latvenergo (pilot project), Latvia

Also projects for mobile connection providers in several countries:

  • "Omnitel" (now Telia), Lithuania
  • "Velcom" (more than 2000 objects), Bielorussia
  • TS, UzTelecom and Uzmobile (whole Uzbekhistan).