Policy in the field of quality and environment protection

The official expression of the UAB “SIGMA TELAS” management aspirations in the field of quality management and environmental protection is the "Policy in the field of quality and environmental protection".

UAB “SIGMA TELAS” developing, installing and maintaining energy metering, process automation and control systems, strives to satisfy customers’ needs, improve environmental efficiency and undertakes:

  • to provide products that meet the expectations, needs and requirements of customers;
  • to seek that the quality and environmental policies are consistent with the intentions of the enterprise, the features of the enterprise, its products and services, as well as the scale and impact on the environment;
  • to be a growing, competitive, profitable enterprise that cares about environmental protection;
  • to comply with the requirements of legislation, related to the environmental aspects of the enterprise, and other obligations that the enterprise takes upon itself;
  • to reduce waste generation, preserve natural resources;
  • to strive for continuous improvement and prevention of environmental pollution, developing procedures for assessing the effectiveness of environmental protection and related indicators;
  • to maintain permanently the necessary skills of staff to ensure its proper qualification;
  • to improve permanently the management system of the enterprise that meets the requirements of the standards LST EN ISO 9001: 2015, LST EN ISO 14001: 2015, and achieve its effectiveness;
  • every year to assess the policy in the field of quality and environmental protection, if necessary, review and periodically explain it to the employees of the enterprise or on its behalf;
  • to allocate the necessary resources to implement the policy in the field of quality and environmental protection;
  • to strive to ensure, that the policy on quality and environmental protection is available to the public.
  • Our company has implemented an integrated the system of quality and environmental management in complying with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 international standards.