Integrated information environment

Creation of complex information systems for energy enterprises.

Looking at the commercial energy resources accounting issues from the above, our company offers to create a united information field for the compliance of various systems of company, combining active management, repair and maintenance systems, data acquisition and analysis of collected data systems, network management and dispatching systems, billing, documents management systems and others.

The creation of such incorporated systems often requires changes in planning of business making processes of our enterprise, digitalization of huge amount of documents, automation of a lot of algorithms and interactions. Therefore our company’s aim is to implement standardized central module (Enterprise Service Bus) and determine intersystem interaction rules.


The main advantages of this approach:

The setting of system responsible for each type of information. This prevents re-entering the same information in different systems. The information is entered only once to the established system and it is available for different systems.

Refusal of individual isolated systems. Unhindered use of the information available to all software products, regardless of manufacturer.

All SW systems work with only relevant information.

The increase of effectiveness of work with systems, the reduction of necessary work resources and reduction of accumulated reserves in warehouses , faster reaction to failures and accidents, the reduction of downtime.

Necessary condition for moving to "Smart Networks" and "Smart cities".